- Finland is an active user of synchrotron light techniques and has a long-standing history in using it for materials science and fundamental physics applications. For instance, several of the nowadays used synchrotron-light spectroscopy techniques have been pioneered in Finland.
- Finland is a member country of the MAX-IV Laboratory and a member of the ESRF through the Nordsync consortium since the very starting phase of ESRF.
- Finland has enlisted EuXFEL in its national research infrastructure roadmap.
University of Turku
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Materials Research Laboratory
Turku, Finland
The synchrotron and free-electron laser activities of Finland are coordinated by the Finnish Synchrotron Radiation Users’ Organization (FSRUO), a non-profit organization that was founded in 2009 in Helsinki. Currently it has more than 100 members. FSRUO typically organizes at least one major national workshop annually. The FSRUO disseminates the use of synchrotron and other large-scale-infrastructure-facility light in research, education and industrial solutions, coordinates the public outreach, and serves as a way for newcomers to the field to find the right networks of experts.