Sweden has an active synchrotron and XFEL community, with an estimated total number of users of around 500. Users are found at all major universities and cover a wide variety of scientific disciplines. National activity has for many years been centered around the national synchrotron radiation facility MAX-lab (1983-2016) and the new, world-leading facility MAX IV (from 2017). However, Swedish users are also keen users of other European and world synchrotrons and XFELs.
There is no national funding program for synchrotron access in Sweden, and Swedish users have historically been very appreciative of the previous EU-coordinated transnational access programs.
ESUO representative
Derek Logan
Lund University
Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Center for Molecular Protein Science
Biochemistry and Structural Biology
Lund, Sweden
SSUO – The Swedish Synchrotron Users Organisation
SSUO is the organisation for all Swedish users of synchrotron radiation facilities. The primary aim of SSUO is to achieve optimal conditions, including financial support, for Swedish researchers to use synchrotron radiation both nationally and internationally. To do this, SSUO will interact on the national level with funding agencies such as the Swedish Research Council VetenskapsrĂĄdet.
SSUO is the Swedish member organization of ESUO, the European Synchrotron Radiation Users Organisation, which has the same goals for the whole European user base of photon-based large scale facility. SSUO is also a sister organisation of FASM, the MAX-lab Users’ Organisation.
We exist to promote the interests of synchrotron users in Sweden; users from all scientific disciplines are welcome. At the moment there is no formal membership procedure, but we are working on establishing one. (Retrieved from http://www.ssuo.se/).