Education and research in Serbia are regulated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
There are 17 universities in Serbia (eight public universities and nine private universities with a total number of 116 accredited faculties). The scientific work is also organized within 83 research institutes among which are 15 centers of excellence. The total number of students attending the public and private universities as well as faculties of vocational studies exceeds 200,000.
Public universities in Serbia are: the University of Belgrade (the oldest one, founded in 1808, and largest university with approximately 80,000 undergraduates and graduates), University of Novi Sad (1960; 45,000), University of Niš (1965; 27,000), University of Kragujevac (1976; 14,000), University of Priština – Kos. Mitrovica, Public University of Novi Pazar. Largest private universities include Megatrend University and Singidunum University, both in Belgrade, and Educons University in Novi Sad. University of Belgrade is placed in 301–400 bracket on 2014 Shanghai Ranking of World Universities with the disciplines of physics and mathematics in 151-200 place.
In science collaboration Serbia is included in Joint Research Centre-JRC; NATO Science for Peace and Security-SPS; ?uropean co-operation in the field of scientific and technical research – COST; EUREKA; Seventh Framework Programme – FP7; Central European Initiative – CEI; Research Infrastructure CERIC-ERIC. It maintains bilateral scientific and exchange collaboration with several European countries.
Bratislav Marinkovic
University of Belgrade
Institute of Physics, Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes
Belgrade, Serbia
Maintaining ESUO-Serbia website; preparing for dissemination activities at the 13th Photonica workshop and 30th SPIG conference in 2020; analysing data obtained at the Gasphase Beamline Elettra runs; preparing a draft for a new national call from Science Fund of Republic of Serbia; trying to find financial support for two applicants, one willing to stay in the Lab as postdoc and another as a doctoral student.
ESUO-Serbia is a section of the Optical Society of Serbia (OSS). The ESUO section has been established in 2018, while OSS is voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit, professional organization established in 2011 to foster research in optics, photonics and related disciplines. The web site of OSS is the following: and the current president of OSS is Prof. Dr. Jelena Radovanovic.