The 13th ESUO annual meeting was initially scheduled on April 16th-17th, 2020 at DESY and European XFEL. Due to the developing situation with respect to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the present meeting, in agreement with the local hosting teams, was postponed to a later date and a remote meeting was offered on April 16th-17th, 2020.
ESUO delegates from 25 ESUO member countries, together with participants from the CALIPSOplus project – including colleagues from the CALIPSOplus Networking Activities (NA1) and Joint Research activities (JRA2) teams –, as well as from the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS) and the industrial sector (partially) took part to the ESUO webinar.
News about recent ESUO related activities within CALIPSOplus project – e.g. the last ESUO regional workshops, the new promotional ESUO video –, and other CALIPSOplus activities such as the support programme for gold open access publications, the overview of integrated user statistics, the pan-European integration with the twinning programme and the guest of honor countries activities, as well as news about the LEAPS initiative were presented. The today’s version of the ESUO website was presented and launched; additional news about the status and outlook of the ESUO LinkedIn and ESUO Twitter webpages were also given. Presentations were also received on industrial access to facilities using the “mediator service” by G. Vestergaard Jensen of the Danish Technological Institute as well as an update on the data analysis service offered to the users by A. Campbell and co-workers as part of JRA2- CALIPSOplus activities. A short demonstration showing the different features of such data analysis tool from data access to data analysis using PtychoShelves, was presented.
As part of the present ESUO webinar, individual thematic discussion group sessions on (i) ESUO Business Plan and (ii) ESUO Statutes, followed by a wrap up session, were taken place in order to exchange ideas and to discuss the future of ESUO and the adaptation of its organisational structure to become a legally established sustainable entity.
Thanks to Derek Logan for having arranged and managed the different sessions of the present ESUO webinar, to the speakers and to all meeting participants for their valuable contributions; some of the ESUO webinar participants being presented on the picture hereabove.