- The Netherlands participates together with Belgium via Benesync in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France.
- The Dutch Research Council (NWO) runs a combined SAXS/EXAFS beamline, the Dutch-Belgian Beamline, together with its Flemish sister organization (FWO) at the ESRF. The Institute of Molecules and Materials at Radboud University, Nijmegen, houses the FELIX (Free-Electron Lasers for Infrared eXperiments) facility.
Martin Feiters
Radboud University
Faculty of Science
Synthetic Organic Chemistry Group
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Graduated in biochemistry, bio-organic chemistry and food chemistry; PhD on structure-function relationship of the enzyme; postdoctoral work in X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Bachelor and master teaching on the subjects of organic chemistry, (bio)-inorganic chemistry, instrumental analysis, advanced spectroscopy, and advanced molecular structure determination; master and advanced courses on biocatalysis, homogeneous catalysis, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and chemistry of metals in biological systems.
Retrieved from https://www.ru.nl
Andrei V. Petukhov
Utrecht University
Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science
Physical and Colloid Chemistry
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Moniek Tromp
Groningen University
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Materials Chemistry
Groningen, The Netherlands