- There are more that 1100 synchrotron radiation and free electron users in Italy.
- The Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS) is the national user organization.
- There is no national funding scheme for the support of access to synchrotron and FEL facilities.
Federico Boscherini
University of Bologna
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bologna, Italy
He is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of synchrotron radiation and x-ray absorption spectroscopy. His primary scientific interest is the relation between local atomic structure and physical properties of advanced materials, with a focus on dopants and defects in semiconductors, nanostructures and nanoparticles, heterostructures and solid interfaces. His position in the scientific community is testified by his role as Chairman of beamtime allocation panel 04 of ESRF (until 2016), as editor of the new Volume I on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure of the International Tables of Crystallography published by the International Union of Crystrallography (due 2021), membership of various review and funding panels, publication of scientific papers, book chapters and books.
Silvia GrossUniversity of Padua
Department of Chemical Sciences
Padua, Italy
Carlo Mariani
University Rome La Sapienza
Department of Physics
Rome, Italy
Carlo Mariani (born 1956) is Full Professor of Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Roma “La Sapienza”. Previously, he was associate professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, researcher of the National Research Council (CNR) in the Frascati National Laboratories, post-doctoral researcher at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG in Berlin.
His main scientific activity is in the field of low-dimensional physical systems and nanostructures, from surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors and organic-inorganic heterostructures, to the synthesis and study of graphene and functionalised graphene, by using a variety of electron-spectroscopy techniques on-campus and exploiting synchrotron radiation (SR). His scientific activity is testified by several scientific papers, book chapters on SR, books. Among his main scientific and academic appointments, he is presently member of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) of the ESRF, he is member of the Proposal Review Panels (PRP) of Ceric, Dafne and the Canadian Light Source; previously, he was chair-person of the Elettra PRP and member of the Soleil and Fermi PRP; he was deputy Dean of the Science School at Sapienza University; he served as President of the Italian SR Society SILS, as user representative in the Elisa project where ESUO was founded; he is serving as external reviewer of several SR beamlines.