- The French community of synchrotron and XFEL users represents a large multi-disciplinary community of scientists working in Biology and Health, soft Material and Chemistry, Geosciences and Environment, Surfaces-interfaces and nano-objects, diluted or condensed Materials, Paleontology, Archaeology, Heritage and Preservation.
- To federate this large community, the French organization of Synchroton and XFEL Radiation Users (AFURS: Association Française des Utilisateurs de Rayonnement Synchrotron) has been created and registered as a non-profit organization in 2014 in Paris Prefecture.
- AFURS represents the French community of synchrotron and XFEL users at ESUO.
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin
INRAE /AgroParisTech / CNRS / Université Paris-Saclay
Versailles, France
LCPMR, CNRS and Sorbonne University
Paris, France
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC)
University of Paris Sud / CNRS / CEA
Gif-sur-Yvette, France
I am a plant biologist who is working on the vascular system development. I am especially interested in understanding how modifications of the sugar transport impact the plant secondary cell wall formation. For that I am using the beamlines available at SOLEIL, the DISCO VUV to visible beamline and the SMIS microspectroscopy infrared beamline.
CNRS Research Director. Group leader. Relaxation Dynamics of isolated deep inner shell excited Atoms and Molecules with Synchrotron radiation and XFEL. French representative of XFEL Users.
Field of Research: AMO
- The French organisation of Synchroton and XFEL Radiation Users (AFURS: “Association Française des Utilisateurs de Rayonnement Synchrotron”) has been created and registered as a non-profit organisation in 2014 in Paris Prefecture.
- It represents the large multi-disciplinary community of synchrotron and XFEL users working in France in industry and French public research organisations, which includes more than 2000 users on a yearly basis.
- AFURS goal is to collect the needs of the French community of synchrotron and XFEL users, and to federate and represent this community at the national or European level.
- AFURS intends with ESUO to favor the use of synchrotron radiation techniques, to act to maintain the quality of the developments on synchrotron and XFEL sources and to favor the complementarity of the beamlines on synchrotron sources.
- AFURS has been registered as a non-profit organisation in 2014 in Paris Prefecture (Journal Officiel from April 19th 2014, registered with the ID: W751224073 – Declaration number 1423).